BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 221

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 221:

1.  People, I now touch the most sensitive strings of your hearts to prepare you and make you worthy to receive my teaching

2. I speak now to you through the Divine Mother, that Spirit who became man in the Second Age to fulfill a high destiny.

3. Mary was sent to reveal her virtue, her example and her perfect divinity. She was not a woman like all the others among men. She was a different kind of woman, and the world looked at her life, learned to know her way of thinking and feeling, knew about the purity and grace of her soul and body. She is an example of simplicity, humility, selflessness and love. But although her life was known to the world at that time and to the following generations, there are many who do not recognize her virtue, her virginity. They cannot explain the fact that she was a virgin and a mother at the same time. The reason for this is that man by nature is unbelieving and cannot judge the Divine Works with an awakened Spirit. If he would study the scriptures and fathom the incarnation of Mary and the life of her ancestors, he would finally know who she is.

4. Mary is divine in nature, her Spirit is one with the Father and with the Son. Why judge her humanly, when she was the chosen daughter, announced to mankind from the beginning of time as the pure creature in whom the "Divine Word" would incarnate?

5. Why then does man blaspheme and doubt my power, and investigate my works without respect? The reason is that he has not delved into my Divine teaching, has not thought about what the Scriptures say, nor submitted himself to my will.

6. Today, in the "Third Age", he also doubts that Mary is making herself known to men. But I tell you that she has a share in all my works, because she is the embodiment of the most tender love that dwells in my Divine Spirit.

7. I have given you proofs of this truth and have allowed the prophets of all times to testify of Mary as Universal Mother. Today, those who possess this gift have also seen it manifested in symbols or parables. You have felt her maternal influence in your behalf, which caresses you, her encouragement and her consolation that relieves your suffering, and you also know that her intercession has saved you from many dangers ─ in a time when the world is moving along different paths in a breathtaking course, guided by science, when materialization, vanity and pleasures have led people away from the true path.

8. Therefore I call the heart of my people to teach them and then send them out as ambassadors of this Good News.

9. My messengers have always been rejected. But be not troubled, for the Almighty is with his servants. I myself was misjudged, for not all of them were able to recognize the presence of God in Christ and were only willing to see in Him a prophet or an enlightened one.

10. I had to bear witness of myself through my life, my superhuman works, and my superhuman death. And in the face of that truth, many arose with burning faith in their hearts, who testified to my teaching.

11. Although I had died, I did not leave you. For after the sacrificial death I revealed myself spiritually full of life. I came to my people in the "Spiritual Valley" and there I prepared them, shrouded them in my light, clothed them with the white garment of purity and sent them to the world to become man again. But the time came to unite the tribes of my people, and so I called them to this corner of the earth. For you are truly the people of Israel, but not by blood, but spiritually. My kingdom is not of this world, nor is your eternal home on earth.

12. Behold your king and lord, coming down in humility and love to human wickedness to bring his teaching to those who are dead to the light of the Third Age.

13. Seek Me no more in idolatrous cults. It is no longer the time to love Me in fanatical ways. From the earliest times I have fought these evil tendencies among you and revealed to you direct dialogue with my Spirit through prayer.

14. The writings of the past times could reveal to you what I am repeating for you today; but man has dared to falsify my truths to spread them falsified And so now you have a mentally ill, tired and lonely humanity.

15. Therefore my wake-up call can be heard by the voice bearer, because I do not want you to get into confusion.

16. By the way, which I am currently showing you, you will be able to discover him whom I taught you in the past times, because they are all one and the same.

17. Men go their way with longing, in the desire for justice, for truth, for mercy and love. They stumble and fall because of human indifference. But those who have heard this voice in the Third Age have felt my presence, and in my spiritual essence they have satisfied hunger, thirst and pain. Nevertheless, among those who have been witnesses of my rallies, there are those who deny them because they consider it impossible that God would deign to manifest Himself through a sinful man. To the unbeliever I say that the purest light of divinity will not be clouded by human sinfulness, because my light stands infinitely far above the good or bad works of men, and I have also come to give to the light that dwells in darkness.

18. It is a divine joy to come to the sinner, to comfort his heart, to make him feel the Father's warmth and to make him know the good taste of the bread of eternal life

19. You who hear Me and know that you form the people of the Lord ─ understand that you have not yet fulfilled the mission that the Father has been instructing you since the beginning of times, that you have hidden the law and sowed the paths with pain But the bitterness and the blows of fate have made you know pain so that you may understand and love your sister, humanity.

20. My word is universal. But if it is not heard by the whole world, it is because of its materialism, which covers men's eyes like a dark bandage, and because their spiritual hearing has lost the sensitivity to hear the divine word.

21. Dangerous times are approaching. The war with its immeasurable pain, misery and grief will shake men once more. Thoughts and feelings will be thrown into confusion, and all this will point out to mankind its lack of obedience to my laws of love and justice. But I, as a loving Father, will oppose the chaos and will let my light shine like a dawn of peace and redemption in the firmament.

22. I prepare you that you may be the light of the world tomorrow, that you may be life and bread, mercy and love among your fellow men.

23. Penetrate into my word, and you will find me in its meaning

24. My word, which is light and peace for the soul, comes down to your hearts in these moments. My light longs for this people who have received my divine revelations in the "Three Times".

25. Israel was asleep when suddenly the signs of my coming began to awaken and disturb them. I placed myself among the people and opened a new age for them.

26. I brought in my new teachings more comprehensive teachings than those of past times, because I found greater receptivity in the organs of mind and greater development in souls.

27. Do not take the fact that I have chosen one people of the earth among the others as a preference: I love all my children and the peoples who formed them equally.

28. Each people brings a mission to the earth, and the destiny that "Israel" has brought with it is that of being the prophet of God among men, the beacon of faith and the way to perfection.

29. My prophecies and revelations, which I have given you since the first times, have not been interpreted correctly because the hour had not yet come when mankind would have understood them.

30. Formerly "Israel" was a people of the earth; today they are scattered throughout the world; tomorrow the people of God will consist of all souls, who together with their Father will form the Divine Family in perfect harmony.

31. My word is the book of wisdom, which will make man enter into an unknown, higher and more beautiful life. He will know its essence, and through his Spirit he will understand the revelations which once appeared to him as unfathomable secrets, but which the Father wanted to reveal to them when the hour had come.

32. You will seek and love the spiritual teachings, and in striving for this ideal you will feel that your life's journey on earth will become easier. Every hour that passes, every day and every year that passes, brings you closer to the climax of that time.

33. I give out my word abundantly, so that when it is no longer to be heard, you will not be confused. I do not want that day to surprise "the first" and "the last" unprepared. With what confidence you will then be able to devote yourselves to the fulfillment of your commission, if you know how to understand and follow my instructions!

34. You still have to give up many customs that still darken your life and worship. You must strive to increase your existence so that you may learn to read in the divine book that exists in Me.

35. I speak more to the Spirit than to the heart, for it is he who can comprehend what elevation and eternity mean. But to those who have made of this earth their "eternal" home and seek in it fame, honors, pleasures and power, I say: Look at your world, how it is shaken by pain, full of lamentation and misery, and radiated by the deceitful lights of a selfish and vain science!

36. All life and all the works of men are judged in these moments. Even nature, through its elements, haunts souls and speaks to hearts.

37. I will ask every creature what the fruit of his task is. What will his answer be to the Eternal? And you crowds of people who have heard my voice in this time and know that you have received a commission with every word of mine ─ what will you answer when the hour has come?

38. Verily I say to you, I grant the necessary time to the one as to the other, so that they may not be naked, defiled, or miserable with me. I want to see you strong so that you can stand up to the misfortunes, the great lessons of life, the temptations.

39. Verily I tell you, you are stronger than you think, but you must penetrate still more into my teaching so that you may discover in your inner being the spiritual treasure with which every human creature is endowed.

40. You can resolve conflicts, dispel darkness and make light, eliminate evil and attract good.

41. Soldiers of God will be called those who know how to take up arms and defeat every enemy with them. The more developed souls will involuntarily protect their weaker brothers and sisters, and these in turn will sense with which heart they will feel more secure.

42. The greatness of a man will no longer be measured by his earthly possessions, nor by his titles, nor by his clothing. In a poor one will be able to be a soul elevated by its development and spiritualization, and among these there are many who will reveal to mankind the eternal truth.

43. This hour in which you unite yourselves with me is a moment of spiritual bliss for you, because you prepare yourselves to receive my word inspiration and my commissions. Your soul has purified itself to receive the essence of this teaching and to understand it.

44. Some of you have been willing and ready to hear Me, others have been insistent not to acknowledge Me But I am patiently waiting for the awakening of these disciples. I have come as a fighter and have thrown myself into the fight for the conquest of souls because they are my children. It will not be severity that defeats their stubbornness, but my love and my patience. I want you to see Me, to recognize Me so that you may love Me and know that you live within a universe that I vigilantly govern, and that you must follow the way of righteousness that I have provided for you.

45. I have given you the law and have expected your observance of it, based on what your conscience tells you. I have not forced my will upon you because I have given you your own will, freedom of will, abilities, to make you like me. But if you want to know my desire, I tell you that I now want to see you walking attentively within the laws of justice, free from transgressions, so that you leave your descendants a good seed, a clear example, a shining path.

46. The teaching I am leaving you today for your perfection is a part of the book of my word, in which my wisdom is contained so that it may be studied and felt ─ more with the Spirit than with the mind or the heart

47. There is much poverty in the soul of men because of their low spiritualization. Hence the sadness, the feeling of abandonment, the hunger. This humanity, whom I love so much, must feed on wisdom, on pure essence, and only the divine word will strengthen it. For mankind to receive the testimony of the people who have heard Me, it must await your preparation and devotion to fulfill your mission.

48. I have taught you to work with the Spirit so that your work may be rich in beneficence. I have told you that where your feet cannot go because the distance is too great, your Spirit can carry your message and improve the situation of peoples and nations in danger, of homes where suffering has entered, or of sick people asking for mercy. All these things you can do in my name, I permit you to do so that you may show me greater merits.

49. For the Spirit there is no distance that he cannot overcome. You can send your prayer or a good desire to your fellow men, and you will meet no obstacle that will stop you in your desire to send your message of good will to others.

50. Your Spirit suspects that the time is now near when he is entering into a period of greater exaltation, when he must attain the understanding of his gifts in all their significance.

51. I will not leave you without having received even the last of the lessons which I am to give you. I will make my work known to you in this time, from the first to the last part, so that you may feel yourselves capable of presenting to mankind the testimony of my word with your works of love.

52. I have taught you to pray so that you may learn to be in communion with Me and receive My inspiration which will enlighten you in the moments of trial. For men will be plunged into a chaos greater than that which they are currently going through, and therefore it is necessary that you pray for all your fellow men.

53. I am writing down the history of mankind. In this book will be recorded everything that you have done in the world. Do you want to show examples of obedience and patience, or do you prefer to leave a legacy of disobedience and rebellion?

54. Many of you will have no new opportunity to return to earth to make amends for your transgressions. You will no longer possess that tool which you have today, which is your body on which you rely. You must understand that coming into the world is a privilege for the soul, it is never a punishment. Therefore you must use this grace.

55. After this life you will go to other worlds to receive new lessons, and there you will find new opportunities to ascend further and perfect yourself. When you have done your duties as human beings, you will leave this world with satisfaction because you have fulfilled your task, and there will be peace in your soul.

56. In this time I have sent you not only to save yourselves, but because I have entrusted you with a legion of incarnate and no longer incarnate beings, for whom you are to be guides and guardians

57. To all you must bring my word with the same purity with which I have given it to you ─ simply in its outer form, but deep in its core, full of content, full of revelations for all, whether they are educated or uneducated. After the great controversies that will flare up in the search for truth in the world, my teaching will triumph, a single worldview will prevail. People's forms of worship for God will be simplified to become spiritual. You will have got to know all ways and will have chosen the shortest to reach me.

58. My work will crown the effort of all those who have lived sacrificially in expectation of My return. It will unravel many of the mysteries that man has not yet been able to comprehend, it will be a powerful weapon in the hands of those who love good and justice, and it will fill hearts with joy.

59. You will see how the great "princes" will convert to my teaching and give up their rule, their temporal power, to attain that of the Spirit ─ that which never passes away In the same way you will see churches collapse, which before were resplendent in their arrogance and vanity, only to follow my trail of humility. Even in the last of my words, the hungry will greedily seek the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, the Master, who will return victoriously to re-establish his kingdom in the souls of men.

60. Before all this happens, every deceit and all that is false will be branded. You will allow no more falsifications. The books in which the truth is not contained will disappear, and only the one book will remain, which I have entrusted to men, and which has been written into their own souls since the beginning of time.

61. Whenever mankind was in danger, I came to save them. Today I prepare my people so that they may be the bulwark of this mankind, which has got entangled in so many struggles, which has gotten into a chaos from which it has not been able to rise. When this trial is over, the rainbow of peace will shine.

62. Which of you will be on earth at this time? Which of you will witness this age of peace? Verily I say to you, this day is not far off, and then this world will be an image of the land of promise which exists in the hereafter.

63. Love, which is the origin and purpose of your existence, will be in all hearts, from which a simple and pure worship of God will arise, which will come to Me

64. You have not thought of tomorrow and wait calmly for the events. You trust that the master will defend his work. But you must remember that it is man whom I want to save with my work. I have always turned against his enemies, but these are his vanity, his selfishness, his love for the world, his materialism, and I want you to be invincible soldiers in this struggle so that you may stop and destroy the evil that dwells in you today.

65. Repentance as purifying water now washes the souls clean, and the light, the recognition of my commandments, penetrates into them. The good intentions have begun to germinate.

66. I bless all the works and good thoughts of my children.

67. I come to grant you that which is lacking. What can those creatures give you through whom I make myself known to nourish your soul? Though they are in your image and carry my virtues, they are not able to offer you the bread of the Spirit. Consider them only as my instruments for this form of rallies which I have entered into with man.

68. The soul of "Israel" has developed. Nevertheless, it has not attained complete spiritualization and it has been necessary that I give you my teaching in audible words through the human mind to make myself understood to you.

69. The times when Jesus, my incarnated "Word", revealed Himself to men are over He is now an example for the voice-bearers of today, and when they emulate him, they will gain great objections, and great crowds will follow them.

70. Not all have understood my work, which was written down with letters that were indelible through the ages. Therefore, I am near you to help you grasp my teaching of past times and study the present revelations. Free yourself people, no further bondage nor imprisonment shall remain. Be free to love, believe, think, and work for the global good.

71. Seek and recognize in yourselves the likeness you have with Me, so that you may accomplish powerful works and make My image known in your works of love for your fellow men If, on the other hand, you stray from the right way, you stray from your Creator and will not allow my Spirit to be revealed in your works. You will then limit the powers with which I have endowed you, you will lose direction and will not know where you have come from, where you are going, and when your return to me will be.

72. The Spirit of men is hungry; he seeks the food he lacks in religions, worldviews or teachings. It feels the call of its Father and does not know where it can find Him. I spoke to his Spirit from the mountain down, so that he might learn to develop upward and he might have direct dialogue with my Spirit.

73. I invite all to my home, and since there are many who do not know how to seek me, I have made my manifestations directly perceptible. As a good shepherd, I make visible the hurdle which is my bosom, to let the souls rest in it.

74. I will provide everything for you for the way back to Me. Grasp the meaning of my word, then you will have in it the necessary knowledge and encouragement.

75. Exclude no one, on all paths there are people of good will ─ souls who love Me and know how to receive my gifts. Always keep my commandment in mind, which tells you: "Love one another.

My peace be with you! 

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